Hi there. My name is Jersey and yes, I worked hard to get this body. But don't worry, you can have this body too. It just takes steady commitment to three things: naps, the food dish, and trying not to lift a paw even when you're playing.
But besides my looks, I really am a pretty nice guy. They say I meow a little too much... but I only do that when I'm hungry, tired, bored, wanting a pet, wake up from a nap, the humans sleep in too long, they look at me the wrong way, I need to use the litter box....
Oh, and one more thing about me: I love my red dot. He's my very best friend and I'm looking for him constantly, though he only appears when the humans are around. But one day I'll catch him. I imagine he tastes like chicken.
There he is!

Sometimes I hide, so I can better surprise him!
Then I make my move!! Hiyaa!!!
That elusive fiend.. I'll catch you one day!
Don't get me wrong though. I don't just chase Red Dot all day. I sometimes have to look after the humans when Red Dot tires them out.
'Til next time, this is Jersey, signing off...