I don't think I've needed every last hour more than now! There's so much to do and so little time before I jet set across the Pacific in 33 hours. So apologies to moms, dads, brothers, aunts, and third cousins for being out of touch lately...
I'm poppin' vitamins like they're goin out of style because Cam is a sickly guy right now.... you know, horrible cough, night sweats, congestion... I did a big med-shop late last night because we had zero tylonel or cough medicine or neo-citrin in the house. The check out girl at Safeway took my VISA by the tips of her fingers when she saw what I was buying. Ha, I'm not the sick one.... yet!
It's bad timing for Cam to be sick because the shop is having it's big spring sale Thursday - Saturday. There will be lots of folks in the store because the weather's been fantastic (by fantastic I mean 12 degrees. You Yukoners will be impressed; the Californians not so much!)
It's bad timing for Cam to be sick because the shop is having it's big spring sale Thursday - Saturday. There will be lots of folks in the store because the weather's been fantastic (by fantastic I mean 12 degrees. You Yukoners will be impressed; the Californians not so much!)
My sister left yesterday; I'll be meeting my Dad in Vancouver and flying over tomorrow evening. This is specifically where I'll be for the next week: Whangarei, New Zealand... visiting my grandmother who isn't well and my aunt/uncle/cousins. We'll also be heading north to the Bay of Islands for a three-day sailing trip! It'll be nice to be in the homeland again... especially since I can travel on my NZ passport.
This is one fella who doesn't give a damn whether we're busy packing or being sick... he just wants One. Thing. All. The. Time.
He is so not impressed.