Hello folks near and far!
What's new in our world?
Well, Cam broke down and ordered a frame jig for his bicycle welding business. It took two busted frames before he concluded that it's really hard to weld a bicycle by hand. The frame jig holds the tubes in place for him while he welds -- and it's extremely accurate so he doesn't have to worry about crooked tubes. The jig arrives at the end of April (it's being custom built by an old Italian guy in the states as we speak!).
Meanwhile, I got myself a new job! I'm doing part time administrative support, part time communications/design work. The communications part will probably morph into full time if I'm lucky. All in all, it's great to finally be utilizing my talents at my day job. I've also been getting some inquiries about my graphic recording business- - I've lined up a couple potential gigs in May & June... hooray!
Also, I bought a car.
Cute, eh? A Honda Fit -- my sister has one in blue. Apparently we're a Honda family.
My dad was down in Calgary helping my sister move and he test drove a couple cars for me. He found the Honda and gave me a good assesment of it, so I gave the go-ahead and he put down the money... good old interest-free bank of mom & dad. Also, I love Alberta taxes.
My sister will drive the Honda out at Easter -- woo hoo! Hopefully the weather holds up so we can do an epic hike. I'm thinking Sooke would be nice, since Goldstream will undoubtedly be packed with people Easter weekend.
I've been taking a pottery class since February (using a potter's wheel)... let's just say it has been a learning curve. But I think I've finally mastered how to make a good mug! One cannot have too many nice mugs.
Well, when one's cupboards are overflowing with deformed mugs it's time to reconsider your choice of hobby :)