Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer in Saskatchewan

Last week I ventured to Raymore, Saskatchewan, where my grandparents live.

It's a sleepy little town where everyone waves to everyone.

And, like most of Saskatchewan, a place where you can find various abandoned things...

Raymore recently held a Tornado Fundraiser. Not to raise funds for another tornado, but rather to help four families whose farms were damaged by a twister that ripped through, just two miles outside of Raymore.

We were all visiting to celebrate my Grandpa turning NINETY!!

Way to go ol' sport!

Grandma & Mum sorted blueberries for a very special dessert... (that big pail on the table is FULL of wild blueberries)

... a very appropriate birthday cake!

Grandma & Grandpa

Long lost cousins visited...

And so did new little cousins!

There was copious amounts of food...

...and copious amounts of eating!

Couisin Darren even fixed Grandpa's truck.

And of course we made numerous pilgrimages out to the old farm (est. 1908). Click the panoramic below to view it in its full glory...

Grandma and Grandpa have a tasty garden!

There was no shortage of photographic opportunities at the farm either...

The old farmhouse kitchen:

We drove a little farther up the road to visit Aunty Arlene.

It was a place festooned with bathtubs and chickens full of flowers

And deer crouching in rock gardens

Friendly mutts too!

And corn grown taller than me (though that's not hard to do)

I loved her horses!

And as all good trips should, this one concluded with birthday fireworks out at the farm for Grandpa!


  1. WONDERFUL pics and story; should submit it somewhere. G & G would love a copy of the panorama photo too.
    XO Mom

  2. LOVE love love the pics! Nice work!
