Thursday, January 12, 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

Well, baby, it wasn't that cold outside. -10 is way, way better than the -32 of last year.

I ventured north to the Yukon to visit my family for Christmas.

And because the Yukon River missed me...

Ah home sweet home.

(not actually our house. Mum would never stand for chinking peeling from the cracks)

This is Mum & Dad's house & workshop -- drive way plowed courtesy of Dad. (click the image to view full size)

The yard is filled with chirping birds and nattering squirrels, which regularly visit Mum's feeders

The sun is always filtering through the trees at this time of year, casting long shadows and spectacular light.

Sophie the guard dog keeps an eye on the road, which gets busy twice a day: morning, when the ski hill opens, and 3:00 when the ski hill closes.

Otherwise the road is pretty quiet. Sometimes skidoos rip by, following the trails into the trees. I dusted off the cross country skis and went for a good jaunt up the trails too... and I saw not a soul.

There was much discussion about what to get Tanya for Christmas...

And much sleeping upon the animal-whisperer's lap.


This is the shop (well, a small fraction of it)

And this is Pop in his shop, about to paint some shelves. The work never stops in Pop's shop.

Speaking of work, that bearded fellow has been up to a lot of it... (and I don't mean Santa). This is the interior of a 80' x 150' shop Dad built for a guy in town. (I may have those measurements wrong).

This is just half of the shop -- there's another side about as big as this:

There were funny welding contraptions inside too... Cam would've been thrilled.

This here is a jiggerty-pig-wiggerty:

 The master surveys his work next to his noble steed.

What would Christmas be without Mum's deeelicious cooking??


Man, can Mum ever cook. I think she should move in with us. I'm sure Cam won't mind.

No, Sophie, this food is not for you.

It's so peaceful once that rascal Sophie is asleep. The cats can actually have a good wash in front of the fireplace.


  1. Really, really good photos! Yesterday was 22C outside so no chance of snow around here for a while :)

  2. Yum! I could smell xmas dinner on the table! xo K

  3. Love the "names" of the machines. Nice pics.
    XO Mom
