Monday, March 30, 2009

Moustache March

We have bushy moustaches in celebration of Moustache March. They only took seconds to grow. However, some of us enjoyed our moustache more than others.........

It's a novelty for him :)

Jersey, meanwhile, had other interests.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Red Dot Report, by Jersey

Hi there. My name is Jersey and yes, I worked hard to get this body.  But don't worry, you can have this body too. It just takes steady commitment to three things: naps, the food dish, and trying not to lift a paw even when you're playing.

But besides my looks, I really am a pretty nice guy.  They say I meow a little too much... but I only do that when I'm hungry, tired, bored, wanting a pet, wake up from a nap, the humans sleep in too long, they look at me the wrong way, I need to use the litter box.... 

Oh, and one more thing about me: I love my red dot.  He's my very best friend and I'm looking for him constantly, though he only appears when the humans are around. But one day I'll catch him. I imagine he tastes like chicken.

There he is!


Sometimes I hide, so I can better surprise him!

Then I make my move!! Hiyaa!!!

That elusive fiend.. I'll catch you one day!

Don't get me wrong though.  I don't just chase Red Dot all day. I sometimes have to look after the humans when Red Dot tires them out.

'Til next time, this is Jersey, signing off...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


welcome to cam and tanya's blog, which will chronicle the goings on within and around these apartment walls. hopefully jersey will find time in his busy life to make a post too, but he makes no guarantees.

so stay tuned.