Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beach Running

From my run on the beach this morning! It was a foggy one.

Monday, January 28, 2013


The thing about starting your own business is that when family or friends ask you what you did on the weekend, your only answer will be "work!" Pretty boring, eh? 

My home office space. Complete with filing cabinet and plants. 

Cam's office space. Where he lived all weekend. He should have a mini-fridge and toilet out there! 

He has finished a mountain bike for me (yay!) and is currently most of the way through a road bike. Wow! We have a ridiculous amount of bikes in the house. I feel like every bike is multiplying, like in Harry Potter.

And this is where Jersey lived all weekend: in the bathroom. Begging for water from the tap. The kid's got an addiction, and we're working on it.

(he looks like a fatty in the photo but he's now 9 lbs! Would ya believe it??)

Speaking of working weekends, I'm really looking forward to 10 days in Florida with my family at the end of Feb! Sun? Warmth? What is that, a myth? (probably true for my parents, who just had another -34 cold spell)

And I'm thinking in March Cam and I might venture up island to Mt. Washington for his birthday (shhh -- I can reveal his bday present because I know he doesn't read this blog). Mt. Washington has the deepest base in North America -- usually it's around 400cm (4 metres!!!). Right now it's just over 300cm. I'll take it.

Hmm. I'm liking the contrast of the vacation photos. Gotta have some hot with some cold!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

aaaannnddd I'm back.

I feel like I’m blowing the dust off an old book that I abandoned in the summer. Oh little blog, how I’ve abandoned you.

I credit my sister as inspiration to post more regularly. And also my mother, who is probably the only person who still checks this blog every week!
Well, if I had to sum up the last six months in one word it would be: CAREER. Because that’s what I feel is happening for both of us. Cam took the step to move to part time work, and as of next Wednesday, I too will be part time.

You guys, do you realize I’ve waited FIVE YEARS to kiss admin work buh-bye?? No more scheduling and “yes, right away!” Not to put down admin work – it’s great if you love to do it, but it’s not my thing.

Cam is building his skills steadily with each bike frame he welds. He’s currently on bike frame #4 (a mountain bike for me!!). The Hand-Built Bike Show is in Denver this year and he’s hoping to attend and network with other independent bike builders. I admire that he’s started from scratch and taught himself how to weld. It used to take him a month to weld a frame and now he can do it within 7-10 days (probably less!).

I’ve been steadily gaining clients with each job that I do. There’s quite a demand right now for hand drawn videos – I’m currently working on videos for four major clients. But not all my eggs are in that basket – I’m also doing custom graphics for a few different clients and there are a couple graphic recording gigs coming up in the spring. Variety is the spice of life!

Rather than rehash the last six months, here’s a few iPhone snapshots. Think of it as a visual collage.

My new portable wall for graphic recording!

Royals hockey game!

graphic recording in Vancouver

Thanksgiving at the 'rents.

New boots!

 Kylie & Paisley!

Paisley playing with her brother in Whitehorse.