Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Wee Project

I have a fantastic sewing book of projects for using just one yard of fabric:

I've made a few projects already, but last night I was taken with the simplicity of this towel revamping project...

All you need are:

A set of towels (hand, body, and face cloth).

One yard of funky fabric (in fact, you could probably make this with just half a yard).

Measure the amount of fabric you would like to dress up your towels. Mark the measurements onto the wrong side of the fabric. I decided to do a band across the bottom portion of each towel; two bands per towel. Cut the fabric into strips, leaving a half inch seam allowance on all four sides of each strip.

Iron the half inch sections under to the wrong side of the fabric.

Now for the fun part.... top stitch the pieces onto the towels!

Voila! A hip, trendy towel set. So easy.

Jersey, on the other hand, spent the evening tucked inside a shopping bag. In fact, he slept the whole night and all of the next morning in there. Apparently the bag is more comfortable than our bed!

1 comment:

  1. You towels are so purty! You are crafty.
    You are the cutest kitty ever Jersey!
