Monday, July 12, 2010

Tour-rific Times

I haven’t posted much lately because not much has been going on! Other than the usual garden tending, cleaning, cooking, and, of course, bike riding…

We’ve avidly been watching the Tour. Well. I’ve been avidly watching the last hour of the Tour in the morning and then updating Cam on it.

Our stalwart Canuck is sure showing those Europeans how to ride. Though some of it comes down to luck and good timing. On Sunday, people were dropping off their bikes like flies in front of Lance. He could easily have been up where Ryder is, if it weren’t for the bad luck. But that’s the Tour for ya!

All in all, it should be an interesting. I admit I’m hoping that Lance pulls a monumental move and regains the 10 minute gap between him and Andy. But not more than I hope Ryder kicks everyone’s butt.

Speaking of the Tour, I’m in the very early stages of planning a little trip for us next year: three weeks in France to see the 2011 Tour! Planning the logistics of a trip like this is kind of daunting, so I’m leaning towards going with a tour company for part of the trip. Some companies organize it all for you – from road bike rentals right down to getting you the best viewing spots for stages and booking you a bed and breakfast. I think in between touring around on road bikes, we’ll catch maybe three stages of the Tour before seeing the finish in Paris.

Time to book French lessons! Je pense que ce sera amusement!

In other news, I’ve discovered a new inspiration. Guy Roy is a Eastern Canadian artist and I absolutely love what he does with paint:

I have a couple blank canvases kicking around and I think I might try translating his style to either Yukon or Saskatchewan landscapes.

And of course, who could forget... twelve more sleeps until our Lion King weekend! Or rather, our Tanya weekend… Lion King + Ikea!

I’ve already got a list going and am in the process of measuring our rooms. Maybe an island for the kitchen? Or an entertainment centre for the TV? The possibilities are endless!


  1. You are going to FREAK OUT at the Lion King! It was completely amazing.

  2. Wish I could go to see Le Tour next year...

  3. Michael, we'd love to have you along -- it'd be Whistler all over again!
