Sunday, August 7, 2011

Breakin' the Silence

Hallo! How y'all doin'? We've been fine, although silent for the past month... or more... eeeeeeee....

But here's a quick visual summary of what we've been up to.

Eating al fresco Italian dinners in our lovely backyard garden. (with vino of course!)

Eating al fresco home-cooked meals on the parents' back deck. (with vino of course!)

Tending the garden. Trying not to kill the roses...

Jersey got a haircut. He thinks they took too much off. But it keeps him cool so I told him to keep his mouth shut.

And of course, we've been mountain biking. I joined the Dirty Girlz Club and I've been lovin' learning new skills and meeting like-minded ladies. I actually haven't been on a road ride in a couple weeks!

Cam's been practicing this wicked jump, pictured above. Here's the scary moving picture of the same jump... mothers, cover your eyes.

Today I decided to see how long it would take me to bike out to Hartland, the local mountain bike park (up by the red X). I'm going to have to do it a few times over the next weeks because the women's rides are right after work!

Cam met me up there with the truck and we went for a good ride on the trails.

This is my custom-made laminated map of Hartland... I colour coded the trails so I don't accidentally wander onto scary double black diamond trails.

Today Cam and I wound our way up the Switchbacks to the top... then descended Snakes & Ladders.

Now I'm ready for bed. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Jersey is cute and the tail makes him look "formal". Nice that you are liking the Mnt Bike Grp. Were the flowers yummy? Haha
    XO Mom
