Saturday, May 1, 2010

Make me a Bike!

Cam put off ordering welding equipment until:

a) he had enough money
b) he knew what he wanted
c) he stopped procrastinating

Well, a little over a week ago he placed his order and the goods arrived yesterday.

All the tubes and guages look like they belong on a submarine.

But he knows what to do with it, having taken an oxy acetylene welding course at Camosun last year.

I just hope he doesn't blow up the backyard. Actually, it'll be his parent's yard, since that's where he'll be doing all the welding work :)

And all these odds and ends apparently fit together to become a bicycle... I can't wait for him to get started!

They've been waiting to be assembled for months -- hence the pinkish tinge to that one tube; apparently it has to do with oxidization.

In the meantime, I'm chowing some banana/almond bread and prepping to get out for a ride. Hopefully the ominous clouds hold off on the rain!!


  1. Hopefully Cam stays away from (c) Procrastinating during this buildup.

  2. Ha ha that's for sure. I want him to make me a bike!

  3. That bread looks good...yum!
